26 July 2018

It's all in the DNA....

I love Denmark!  I'm only one sixteenth Danish but I'm fitting in very easily!

Today we travelled 400kms from Aalborg to Copenhagen with two stops along the way.  

The first was in Arhus to visit The Old Town open air Museum that opened 100 years ago.  75 old buildings have been relocated to the site from 20 townships throughout Denmark.  Just beautiful.....

Our next stop was Odense - the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen.  Here we had the real thing!  Would visit again in a flash....

It's so hot that poor old Hans is melting.....

Of course, there was time for a great lunch sitting in a lovely quaint square....only one beer for me....

Interesting to see who's performing in  Odense....

A bit of Danish design...very elegant girls!

Tunnels in Norway and bridges in Denmark.....  "The Bridge" is not on our schedule.  It's the longest and runs between Copenhagen and Malmo is Sweden.  We drove the second longest, Storebæltsbroen, onto Zealand - the island Copenhagen sits on.  At 7.8kms, it's about 1km shorter than the Malmo Bridge.