25 July 2018

What a difference a day (or two) makes!

Yesterday, we moved from the fjords around Bergen to the central part of southern Norway around the county of Telemark - fjords were replaced with huge lakes, many connected by locks.  The mountains, waterfalls and tunnels remained!  When I read the SMH this morning, I wondered why we weren't using the Norwegians' skills in Sydney - they have over 1000 vehicular tunnels!  
Oh dear, after so many days of spectacular scenery, some on the bus were heard to utter "Another bloody waterfall" as we stopped for a photo opportunity - this had the added interest of low hanging cloud!
While the low hanging cloud remained for most of the day, it was still warm!

There's far more farm land in this area - wooden buildings in the main painted in "Norwegian red".

Our gastronomic highlight yesterday was visiting a fruit farm where we were treated to their home made apple pie - I have the recipe if you'd like to recreate it for me!  My favourites - raspberries and cherries - were on sale!

My purchases!

After our overnight say at Vradal, we were off for the coast and the ferry to Denmark!  Norway managed more stunning scenery before we departed.

This big cat was built in Tassie and took me to Denmark  this afternoon.  The last leg of my adventure to see the homeland of Peter Benson Lutge, my 2nd great grandfather, who arrived in Sydney in 1862!

The contrast between the two countries was immediately obvious as we arrived on the largest island, Jutland - flat farming land - including the farming of wind!

Our overnight stay is in Aalborg - birthplace of Jorn Utzon - another connection to my beloved Sydney Opera House!  I'm staying at a hotel that his son was involved in designing - pretty conventional design...with NO air-conditioning!

The Utzon Centre is the last building designed by Utzon and sits on the waterfront along with Aalborg Musikkens Hus.

The architecture in the old part of the city feels more Western European than Scandinavian to me.......

My reward - a local craft beer - after another long, hot and steamy day!